Starts Fort Road, Hythe 0900hrs. Distance 60 miles.
Park at far end of Fort Road by factory wall.
Ride heads inland for the first ten miles before heading out along the coastal road for elevenses at Dungeness cafe.
Then it’s back inland and across to Rye and Appledore.
Lunch at The Woolpack, Romney Marsh before iggy wiggying our way back through the lanes to Hythe.
See you on Sunday paul
I will be riding. I can drive my car and could take 3 others or 4 if you want to squash 3 in the back plus my bike & and one other. If Dig Dave is going in the van he could take some bikes. I would plan to leave Cheam at 7:30am. Trevor
I will be there – hope to catch a lift with Dave
I’ll be there with the Bro.
I should like to go if there is space for me and bike.
I can get your bike in mate if Trevor can take you
Trevor has kindly agreed to give me a lift so will see you there. Looking forward to it!!
see you at Dungeness I hope.