Eight riders had recovered enough from New Year’s Eve to meet in the afternoon at 13:00hrs by Nonsuch Mansion House: Paul White, Mick Curtis, Trevor Kite, Tracey Caudle, Dave Clarke, Trevor Hughes, Sean Slammon and Bill Martin leading.
Bill took us out towards Nork via various bridleways and across the top end of Priest Hill. This led us up slowly and surely to the top of Epsom Downs. The day was fairly mild but it was very overcast and so we all knew that the daylight would disappear earlier than scheduled. We dropped into Langley Vale and climbed towards Thirty Acre Barn as Bill was heading for CoffeeActive in Ashtead, advertised on their website as open. Alas like so many establishments that don’t display opening times accurately over the Silly Season it was shut. A ‘plan B’ was discussed and we all headed down to Lower Ashtead and The Woodman pub for tea and various other foodstuffs.
We left the pub around 15:30hrs and headed across Ashtead Common in the direction of Epsom Common and Horton Park. As the daylight faded the bike lights went on and the pace increased for home. At Horton Park and in the twilight Bill decided to take us back through some boggy stuff (more than once!) just for fun and we all “enjoyed” it very much. Soon we were back in Ewell where we all split up and headed for home.
Good ride; probably my first on a New Year’s Day.
Miles: 18.3