Saturday, No one at the O&D so went directly to Tanhouse Farm and had to listen to three of the biggest cycling bores ever and I was 20 meters away. Whilst crawling up a sharp hill on the way there, some old gent proposed that I should be flying up it on a bike like mine. Made my day and thoughts of buying a Pinerello are no more.
Won’t be out on Sunday, off to Lords to see England whack the South Africans
Saturday, No one at the O&D so went directly to Tanhouse Farm and had to listen to three of the biggest cycling bores ever and I was 20 meters away. Whilst crawling up a sharp hill on the way there, some old gent proposed that I should be flying up it on a bike like mine. Made my day and thoughts of buying a Pinerello are no more.
Won’t be out on Sunday, off to Lords to see England whack the South Africans