Sunday 12 January

Ride to Horsham Conservatory starting Cheam BR Station South Side 9am with pick-up at Walton-on-Hill pond 9:45am. Please leave a comment if you intend to ride.

Comments 5

  1. Good call guys. Managed to get out for an hour locally, but not nice.

    Trevor pls can you email me when you get a second, so that I have a contact, for some reason my pc wont allow me to email anyone from your website?????


  2. Went down the A23 to Handcross and back. Roads 80% dry with just a bit of ice in the gutters and very light traffic until Hooley on the way back.

  3. I went out in the in the afternoon over to Ranmore and was still a bit icy then. My commute to work in the mornings are getting interesting this side of Christmas.

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