Meeting at Nonsuch Mansion House at 9.15am for a quick spin out to Claygate Cricket Club. Return by about 1pm. Please leave a post if you intend to ride.
Wednesday 11th September Offroad Ride
Meeting at Nonsuch Mansion House at 6.30pm for offroad ride to the Wheatsheaf in Ewell for Pizza Club. Please leave a post if you intend to ride.
Saturday 7th September Offroad Ride
Meeting at 9.15am at Nonsuch Mansion House for offroad ride to Rykers Cafe. There will be a pick-up at 10am at Horton if anyone wants to join us there. Please leave a post if you intend to ride. Bill
Saturday 31st August Offroad
Meeting at Nonsuch Mansion House at 9.15am for offroad ride to Rykers Cafe. Please leave a post if you intend to ride.
Sunday 15th Sept- Holmbury Hill trails
Ride the traiks around Holmbury Hill – “Yoghurt Pots” and “Barry knows best”. Meeting 10am at Dorking main railway station, from there we will cycle on a mostly offroad route to the trails. Return after lunch. Please leave a post if you are interested. Bill
Wed 23rd October- End of Summer Curry
The club “End of Summer Curry” will be on Wednesday 23rd October. The venue will probably be the Star in Cheam (TBC), as previous years. Please can you let me know if you are interested so I can get numbers. Bill.
Wed 28th August ride report
A group of 7 riders led by Digger headed off on an offroad route to the Woolpack pub in Banstead. The other riders were Cam Bill Andy Ed Rohan and Trevor Hughes. A friendly group of Addiscombe riders on Gravel bikes were encountered at the pub. The return ride was through the woods of Banstead […]
Sunday 25th August Ride Report
The club Road and Offroad riders had a combined ride and met at the Queens Stage Cyclist Pub / Cafe in Effingham for lunch. Trevor Hughes led the Roadies with Sean, Andrew Adams and Dave Elliott in tow. Andrew headed back after the coffee stop in Cobham. Digger led the offroad gang via a roundabout […]
Wed August 7th Offroad Ride
Meeting at Nonsuch Mansion House at 6.30pm for offroad ride to the California in Belmont for club night. Please leave a post if you intend to ride.
Saturday 3rd Offroad Ride
Meeting at Nonsuch Mansion House at 9.15am for offroad ride to Oaks Park or possibly Flittons Garden centre. Please leave a post if you intend to ride.