We are meeting at Nonsuch Park Mansion House on Thursday at 7pm this week, the route will be about 15-20 miles all off road and on safe routes; we are always welcoming new riders. The ride will return to Cheam at about 8.30 – 9.00 and the option then is to go onto the Prince of Wales pub for food and refreshment.
I’m on grandad duty but hope to be out, depending on what time I can get rid of him. I’ll text you if I’m not going to be there.
I will be there and go to the pub for some food. Also you might like to consider going through Horton Country Park on the lower track there is a short loop that goes through the bluebell wood and is full of colour just now.
I am sorry to say that I will not be at the POW tonight as I have to take Nina to the polling station and till her where to put her X. I know how to treat a lady.
Food is on at the PoW!