Sunday a road ride to Horsham Conservatory starting Cheam BR Station South Side 9am with pick-up at Leatherhead BR Station 9:45am. Please leave a comment if you intend to ride. 55 miles av 14/15 mph
Sunday a road ride to Horsham Conservatory starting Cheam BR Station South Side 9am with pick-up at Leatherhead BR Station 9:45am. Please leave a comment if you intend to ride. 55 miles av 14/15 mph
If weather and legs are ok, i’ll be at Cheam
Sorry Trevor not around this week I’m away
I’ll be there if the weather looks ok.
Hope to be at cheam but it really depends on how the weather is doing. If its pouring down with rain I probably won’t risk it but if its nice and sunny I will see you there so fingers crossed for tomorrow
Same here. Keen to do ride assuming
weather ok.
Like everyone else I’ll be there if the weather’s ok!
I’ll go to Cheam, train to Dorking and meet you in Conservatory café.