Sunday a road ride starting Cheam BR Station South Side 9am with pick-up at Walton-on-Hill pond 9:45am. Destination to be Horsham Conservatory. Approx 50 miles 14/15mph. Please leave a comment if you wish to ride. As last week the weather forecast is not good. I will review the weather on Sunday morning and if ride is to be cancelled I will post this on the Blog before 8am on Sunday. Trevor
See you at cheam
Sorry – not able to join you this week or next.
Good morning Trevor and all
I am a keen cyclist from Cheam but haven’t cycled properly for 18 months. Before that I commuted into London for a few years. So not in best condition.
I would like to join your ride today if not cancelled. Would that be ok?
Cheers Karsten
Karsten your welcome see you at Cheam. Trevor
Karsten your welcome see you at Cheam. Trevor
Rain very heavy now so disappointingly ride is cancelled. Trevor