Sunday a road ride starting Cheam BR Station South Side 9am with pick-up at Merstham BR Station 9:45am, to Oxted. Approx. 50 miles 14/15mph. Please leave a comment if you intend to ride or wish to lead but also you are most welcome on the reliability ride detailed below.
I, Mick and Dave E will be riding the Kingston Phoenix Reliability Ride, starting at the HQ in North Holmwood Village Hall near Dorking. The event is part of their 80th anniversary celebrations, over either approximately 80 miles or 80 kilometres, take in some of the Surrey Hills with a foray into the West Sussex lanes. Riders can start at anytime after 0830 but must be back at the HQ for 1530. Route sheets can be emailed prior to the event (including GPX files) or paper copies collected on the day. For just £3 payable on the day you get the use of the HQ, free tea or coffee at the start and free soup and rolls on return. There is no need to pre enter but please email the organiser, Ian Davies, at indicating your intention to ride so that catering can be sorted out. Our intended start time is 9am.
i’ll be at Cheam……home via Chalk Pit Lane…maybe????
See you at Cheam
Sadly working tomorrow at a so called “Boot Camp for Music Exams & Scholarships” – Have a good one.
I’ll be leaving home 0745 to drive to North Holmwood for KPs 50 mile reliability trial.
I have space for one more bike and person. Mick