Sunday a road ride to Stooks Garden Centre Broadbridge Heath starting Cheam BR Station South Side 9am with pick-up at Walton-on-Hill pond 9:45am. Please leave a comment if you intend to ride.
Sunday a road ride to Stooks Garden Centre Broadbridge Heath starting Cheam BR Station South Side 9am with pick-up at Walton-on-Hill pond 9:45am. Please leave a comment if you intend to ride.
Sorry not out on Sunday.
I will be joining Mr Ayliffe on Saturday’s MTB ride to Molesey Cricket Cllub.
Same as last week. Will be at Cheam 0900 if its warmer than 5C and dry. Should be able to get from Dorking to Stooks and back but it’ll be close to battery limit. Mick
Sadly not out on Sunday. Have opted for MTB ride this w/e. hope it’s warmer for you all than last Sunday!
I shall be there. We can sample the wonders of Pebble Hill – supposedly opened at 5pm today.
See you at Cheam
See you there