I can lead a ride to Oxted, this will be to the cafe (provided someone tells me where it is!) rather than Wetherspoons. Meet at Cheam at 9:00 with pick up at Merstham. Approx 50 miles from Cheam. Please leave a message if you intend to ride.
I can lead a ride to Oxted, this will be to the cafe (provided someone tells me where it is!) rather than Wetherspoons. Meet at Cheam at 9:00 with pick up at Merstham. Approx 50 miles from Cheam. Please leave a message if you intend to ride.
Andy-using Google street view I think the cafe is called Maple Lounge and is about half way up station road on the right. If you get to Costa you’ve gone too far!
Have a good ride-sadly I’m working
Please see Trevor’s post, I will now be doing my own thing.