Leader required this week, if you want a ride, as some of us are going by train to London to see the ToB TT & RR. Meeting at foot of escalator by Wetherspoons in Victoria BR Station at 10am. The TT starts at 11pm (TT Warm up on circuit starts at 10pm) and the RR at 3.30pm (signing on opens at 3pm). Those going are Paul M, Dave E, Trevor & Den. The designated ride is to Henfold Lake starting Cheam BR Station South Side 9am with pick-up at Leatherhead BR Station 9:45am. Please leave a comment if you wish to ride
I’ll be at Cheam
I’ll be out at Cheam 0900 and could lead a ride on my ebike to Tanhouse by an unusual challenging roué but could we make the pickup point Dorking Station 0945 and I’ll take the train to there so I don’t run out of battery!