Today was the big day in the Pyrenees so only Martin and Trevor ventured out on the treaders doing a 32 mile circuit to Meilhards, Eyburie and Uzerche. Mick did his walk round the village and Denbo devoted his morning to preparing a large “pan of loop the loop to put Mick straight” and very good it was too. Logs were sawn with Paul’s new chain saw, doors and masonry painted, Capability Luhr continued to landscape the estate, weeds were poisoned and France 2 was engaged on the TV to watch the roll out from Pau en route to Luchon. It stayed on all afternoon. The days racing was fascinating with different themes being played out all along the route like a novel with numerous sub-plots. The French were well pleased with Tomas Voekler’s stage win and capture of the lead in the King of the Mountains “classement” and we were pleased with The Sky Boys still in control and Evans the Bike being given a final seeing to. The French “Helico” chaps gave us some marvellous shots of the Pyrenean vultures in flight and it doesn’t get much better than that. Tonight we will feast on duck breasts so wait for sheets of flame coming from the barbecue and threatening the fabric of the old bakery with a conflagration.