St Ybard 2012/1

This years St Ybard visit started at 0400 on Thursday 12th July in Epsom. Trevor left home to pick up Martin Shaw at 0415, Denbo and Mick at 0430, Paul Martin 0445 and Norman Luhr at 0530. No problems in two cars via channel tunnel to arrive St Ybard 1730. Unload ,beds made up, down to Uzerche to buy Pizzas eaten while watching the Tour highlights on ITV4. Another great day for Team Sky, Wiggo still in yellow and Froome second on GC. More tele and so to bed for a good nights sleep. Up about 0800 to pouring rain that dampened ambitions for a fiirst days ride. Plenty of cycling though as the whole stage was on France2 and we watched the first hours racing before going in the cars to the working man’s cafe at Espartignac for the superb 12 Eurosworth of 5 course lunch we have come to expect. All agreed that the best thing Starey had ever done in his life was his discovery of this restaurant many years ago. The sun came out and we drove home to watch David Millar’s win at Annonay Devezieux. We raised the roof as David delivered the goods – has there ever been a better period for British cycling? Except for the rain which is bucketing down outside as we speak. Perhaps it’ll be better tomorrow. Mick

Comments 1

  1. That’s a long way to go to watch the telly.
    And guess what? ……. It’s raining here as well and just checked the forecast ……. more rain, what a surprise! Anyway a bit of rain never hurt anyone.

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