Saturday 18th January, off road Claygate Cricket Club

The mileage on the map is slightly out by five miles, as a setting issue on the mobile at my ride start in Horton stopped it working until I had time to fiddle with it in the warmth of the cafe at Nonsuch.

Three riders out today on a day slightly warmer than last week. Nevertheless when Ed Pegg arrived he found Bill Kent and me  hiding in the Nonsuch Mansion Cafe. It was an overcast, still day with temperatures hovering around 1°C when we set off out the back of Nonsuch Park heading for the Hogsmill River at the back of Ewell. With Ed trying to get his fitness back after a recent illness the pace was kept easy as we traversed Horton Country Park. We then took a route across Epsom Common north side to access Prince’s Coverts which is located on the west side of the A24, Leatherhead Road.

The Coverts are still a little rough from recent logging work, but it was crossed without any problems. I decided to cut out a loop towards Esher via Stoke D’Abernon as Ed was flagging a little and opted for heading towards Arbrook Common by the bridleway under the A3. A short sharp climb and we were into the burbs of Claygate and soon after the welcome warmth of the cafe.

A while later we left the welcoming warmth of the cafe for the ride back. This took us over Claygate Common, over the A3 and into Barwell Farm Lane. Soon we were passing Chessington South Station and minutes later we were back in Horton Country Park.

At this point, as usual we parted company, Ed and Bill heading back to Cheam and me heading back to the car park and a warm car for home.

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