2 rides leaving as usual at 9.00 from the Organ & Dragon. Details in the newsletter (out Friday morning and available on download):
MTB Ride, Wandle Trail, led by Mick Ayliffe.
Sportive Training Ride to Wisborough Green led by Brian Harris.
If you are planning on going on any of them please leave a comment…
Wlon’t be out Saturday as will be going out on Sunday.
Off to ride the Lincoln sportive with Roger Smith.
I’ve not ridden with you before but may I join you on the sportive training ride on 12 May? I’ve done a few sportives this and last year (60 to 100miles+)and am keen to join a club to do more club/group riding and training. I’ve read your website. Hope its OK to join you. Mark
Mark, Please do turn up but numbers will be low as some lads are in Lincoln, Brian is decorating and Billy is only doing a short ride because he’s riding a sportive on Sunday and will have his brother out for his first ride . I’ll be leading themountainbike ride. So please do turn up so we can meet you and we’ll see what we can cobble together.
Hi Mark,
A few should be out, not everybody “signs-on” using comments. Have a good time.
Yippee, looks like an early ride to the Organ, for the MTB ride, for me, looking forward to getting the leg over again………….
I’ll lead the MTB ride along the Wandle Trail but note Steve’s bit about the new cafe in Pixham Lane that will be open for the first trial run on Saturday. It’d be nice if we could support that community project. One problem mightbe restricted access in Pixham Lane, it was closed one way on Thursday. let’s talkbefor ewe start out in the morning.