Meet at the Organ & Dragon on the Ewell Bypass at 9:30 as usual. We’ll thread our way to Kingston off-road following the Hogsmill and then turn right at the Thames and head for Richmond. We can decide what to do after that depending on who comes. Let me know if you are coming by commenting below (just click on “Comments”).
I won’t be there as you know I’ll be at the Cambrdige branch but thought I’d let you know to show I can add a comment to a blog message. My first actually.
Why doesn’t the Home page pic cycle through the gallery like it used to?
Have a good ride on Saturday.
Hi Steve, I’ll be out on Sat, providing there is no frost about, I have to leave quite early to get to the Organ for 9.30, I’ll not be late.
Blogging hell the blogging has started. Who’s up for the OHG on Tuesday? Billy