The seventh RetroRonde van Vlaanderen takes place on Sunday 26 May 2013. Described as a leisurely Sunday ride, the RetroRonde will run 100 years to the day since the first Tour of Flanders was ridden, you’ll get to follow a route of 40, 70 or 100km through the infamous cobbled slopes of the Ardennes.

Bikes should date from before 1987, or at the very least be of a vintage style, while clothing should also be period. Riders will have opportunities to stop at scenic locations, while feeds will also be provided by the organisers. The entry fee is €10 for pre-registered riders and €12 on-the-day although I have been advised to wait a while to sign-up online as credit card payment facility is still being sorted out and wire transfer makes it expensive.

I am thinking of riding it and will be booking a crossing and accommodation in the next week or so, please let me know if you are interested but please make sure that your bike and kit is correct. For more information or to pre-register see


PS: Has anyone got a pair of lace up leather cycling shoes to be used with toe-clips and straps size 6 I can borrow/buy?

Comments 1

  1. Hi Steve, drat, still in France that weekend, looks a good ride, if very hard for vintage bikes, best of luck with the shoes, and whoever joins you…

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