MTB Ride 5 March 2017

Sunday a MTB ride to Putney along the Wandle Trail starting Cheam BR Station South Side 9am with pick-up at Carshalton Ponds 9:30am. Please leave a comment if you intend to ride. Bill Martin is ordering the MTB Club jerseys and he will be on the ride with some sample jerseys that you can try on for size and then order your jersey. Please bring your cheque book as he requires payment in advance. Paul White will be meeting us at Cheam. Trevor

Comments 10

  1. The CAPTCHA code is causing hiccups. Twice told me I’d got it wrong but still posted my comment/status.

    Not sure if I’m missing letters due to my colour vision issue?

  2. I Have now change the security setup so you click a box now. I hope this will make it easier for you with regards to you vision Paul.

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