Continuing Roger and Richards journey…
20 August 2010 20:33:42 BDT
The rain of last night continued in earnest this morning. Fast miles to Carlisle for coffee then onto Gretna at the Scottish border. Little did we know that the next 40 miles would be some of the most challenging yet. A relentless cross wind along with a road surface that would have been better suited to a mountain bike. Onto the big climb to Beattock for the final few miles and at last the sun came out. Tired legs and slow progress were the theme today, but we remain on schedule. Fingers crossed for better weather tomorrow!
21 August 2010 21:06:27 BDT
100 miles on the button (including 3 miles off course) to finish at Crianlarich. The last 25 miles being uphill to the finish! Crossing Glasgow was a tedious 25 miles, but included a useful stop at Billy Billsland’s cycle shop to pick up some new cleats. Road surfaces deteriorated even more from yesterday, similar to Pavé in places. Getting out the saddle, even on the downhills was the only way to cope! Now back in Dumbarton in a snug carvery. Dad is enthusiastically re-hydrating (again). Up at 6 tomorrow morning to do it all again!
22 August 2010 20:39:53 BDT
Crianlarich was soaking wet as we set off – and it got wetter! Incredible scenery as we peddled over Rannoch. Driving rain and bitterly cold but spectacular. Coffee in Glencoe then onto Fort William and beyond. Enforced (but welcome) rest day tomorrow as Richard has flown back home for the funeral which was the motivation for our fund raising efforts on this trip. We’ll start off on Tuesday where we finished today with a 100 miler to Golspie as the penultimate day of our mission.
24 August 2010 20:51:12 BDT
101 miles to Golspie – only 72 to go. 40 miles in the rain along the banks of Loch Ness. Sun from Inverness onwards with a following wind to finish. Lovely views from the Black Isle. Nice hotel, we’ll be here for two nights so no need to pack up in the morning for a change. Champagne is on ice, ready to be popped after the 70 mile sprint finish in the morning.
25 August 2010 21:49:19 BDT
Done it! 71 miles to John O’Groats. Fast first 90 minutes with the wind, then came the Berriedale climb (where did that come from!) Late lunch in Wick where we managed to repair the crank of a fellow cyclist (tree hugging swampy type). Tough finish into a head wind, on the small chain ring for most of the final 20 miles. Final couple of miles were gently sloping towards the sea with the Orkneys providing a dramatic view beyond the main land. Support car waiting, as ever, with warm clothes and a quicker mode of transport back to the hotel. 879 miles. Ten days. No punctures. No injuries. Mission accomplished.
Well done!
Moral – never go the Glasgow route as it always rains on that side – most impressed with the daily mileage as when Mick myself and Jim did it a few years ago it took us a lot longer – Rob