Hythe ride this Sunday 23rd.

Those who are intending to ride please keep an eye on this blog for updates.
Once again the weather forecast is for rain on Sunday.
I will make the decision to either run the ride or cancel this Saturday morning.




Comments 7

  1. Hi paul I’m coming on Sunday weather permitting I’m being I’m van and can take bikes in the back I have two spare seats in the front which Andrew Adams has taken one. I have know idea how long the drive is if you could let me know how long it takes I will meet anybody that needs there bikes taken at Cheam. Cheers Dave

  2. The Bro and I usually give one and one half hours for the journey from Croydon which is 62 miles. So Cheam would be about the same.

  3. If its not cancelled Norman and I hope to join you at the Dungeness café at 10.30. We can then ride with you to lunch and dive off to Dungeness on the way back. Mick

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