Club Tour De France Competition 2022 Winner Announcement

Even though we had one of the hottest Julys in history this did not deter everyone getting out on their bikes. It was nice to see some of you getting involved in the competition and hopefully it something we can run again next year.

Without Further a due though here are the results of the competition for this year.

A good effort by all but Well done to Trevor for a flying win in both Jersey’s.

This year we thought it would be a good idea to run a competition to celebrate the tour. And what better way than a club competition with some tour inspired prizes. The tour runs from the 1st to the 24thof July and our competition will run for the same amount of time. There will be two main prizes with both being tour inspired jerseys:

The club member who rides the most miles during the tour shall receive a special Clarencourt Yellow Jersey.

The club member who gains the most elevation during the tour shall receive a special polka dot Clarencourt Jersey.

To make the competition fair we must obviously have some rules.

1.All rides must be digitally logged. Using either Strava or Garmin or any service that you can share the ride for us to log it. Strava is a good one as it’s free and can be used on smartphones and watches.

2.No indoor rides can be included.

3.Rides can be either road or off road.

4.Any miles logged during a club run will receive a 1/2-mile bonus per club ride, eg, if you ride 4 club runs during the competition you will receive 2 Mile bonus to your total.

5.You need to email Martin Toye to submit your entry into the competition and share each ride data with him. Email is and use subject line Clarencourt Club Tour Competition.

6.Jerseys will be printed once the winners are decided. This can take a few weeks after the competition finishes. When the winners are known they will be notified, and sizing worked out.

7.There must be a minimum of 5 entries to run the competition. If we receive less than this it will be cancelled.

Comments 11

  1. We should up the club ride bonus to double miles for club ride – we need to get people along πŸ‘

    • That might be a bit to high and make it unfair for some that cannot make club rides this month due to being away but still riding.

      For anyone that rides more than 3 rides with the club during the challenge though I will add an additional bonus of 12 miles. Normal bonus would be 6 so doubling up for any regular rider.

    • Hi David,

      That’s great.

      Don’t forget to email me your recorded rides each time. Email is on the Briefing sheet.

    • Hi David,

      I havent received any rides from you yet?

      Do you used Strava as I can grab all the information from there.

      If not you can send me your Garmin or any GPX Files.

    • Hi Trevor,

      That’s great.

      Don’t forget to email me your recorded rides each time. Email is on the Briefing sheet.

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